
Does Meat Rot In Your Colon? No. What Does? Beans, Grains, and Vegetables!

I just read an interesting blog (Gnolls.org) about how the body digests certain foods and what occurs when you eat beans, grains, and meats! It's a fun read and very interesting topic. ENJOY!!!!

click here for the link 



  Today is my third day on a juice fast and let me tell you, I feel great! I have so much more energy than I thought I would that I seem to be doing everything on my TO DO list. I feel healthier and have no sugar, carbs, or coffee cravings.

It all started when I watched a documentary with my husband called Fat Sick and Nearly Dead. An Australian business man came to America to juice for 60 days straight on solely vegetables and fruits. He was diagnosed with chronic urticaria, which is symptoms of wheals or rashes that appear all over the body and persists more than 6 weeks with no known cause or possible cure. He realized that he was getting overweight (100 lb. over), taking way to many prescriptions steroids, medications, and making himself sick. His rash persisted for over 8 years and he had enough with not caring for his health. He went across America, away from any temptations (or possible tons of temptations) and juiced for 60 days, meeting hundreds of people and changing lives along the way. It was a great documentary and got me thinking about my own health issues and how a 10 day juice fast might reboot my own system. {side note-I dont have any serious health issues so if you are thinking of juicing always consult your doctor first.}

  And that's how I started juicing. I began reading so much about juicing that I discovered even one day of juicing can help build your immune system, clean your colon, and help your digestion! Juicing is an easy way to provide yourself with high quality nutrients: the vitamins and minerals are densely packed as you drink because you are taking in much more fruits and vegetables then you can normally eat.

  Juicing helps detox your liver, help your blood flow better, and remove metabolic waste. The body's ph is less acidic and so one can improve brain functioning, improve heart functioning, slow down the aging process, improve joints (help arthritic pain) and again better digestion while juicing. What more can you ask for!

 Of course, when I am watching t.v or looking at delicious recipes in magazines I do think about eating something solid. However, 10 days goes by really fast and if I am able to help heal my body then its definitely worth it.

  Also, the GREENER vegetable you juice the better it is for your body! Why? green vegetables contain chlorophyll (makes the plant its green color) an important component that in a molecular level looks exactly like the red blood cell hemin. Scientist have found that our bodies assimilate chlorophyll and makes the chemical shift that turns chlorophyll into hemin. What this means is that when you drink more greens, it is like you are getting a blood transfusion! The more blood in your body the better your whole system works.

Don't feel like juicing? Pick up some fruits and vegetables and just go for it! Even just adding 1 juice a day helps your body heal faster and improve your metabolism. You don't have to change your whole diet around, it can be a substitute for a meal or even a snack. JUST JUICE IT!!!!

3 celery stalks
3 large carrots
1 fiji apple
1 ginger slice (cubed inch peeled before juicing)
1 cup broccoli
1/2 cup kale
1 cup spinach
1/2 a lemon squeezed (added at the end) 

Squeeze the lemon juice separately add at the end and juice everything else. Enjoy!